The Weighbridge Railway Museum,
Station Street, Bishop`s Castle, SY9 5AQ.
Above Photograph by Gary Essex ~ Random Railways
The Museum is open on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and every Tuesday in school holidays from 11am -3pm
Our next open day is Tuesday 14th January 2025
We are occasionally open at weekends which are advertised here and on our Facebook page.
Groups and individuals are welcome to visit by appointment at other times by emailing to arrange.
Come along to one of our open days and meet like minded people. Take a look around our centre. Browse the second hand railway books for sale in the G.W.R. Banana Van all at £2 each. See the the Bishop`s Castle Station circa 1932 OO gauge layout and hear about our plans for the future.
We hold a comprehensive collection of photographs and information about the Bishop`s Castle Railway. Take a look around our museum, talk to the volunteers, learn how the coming of the railway changed the lives of a small rural community.
If you like what you see, consider supporting us to continue taking on new projects and providing a place for everyone to meet.
BECOME A MEMBER. By joining the Society your annual membership fee helps us to ensure we can meet the running costs of the Weighbridge Railway Museum, the general expenses of running a charitable Society and planning for the future. All details of how to join can be found here
BECOME A VOLUNTEER. Without volunteers there would not be a Bishop`s Castle Railway Society. Our friendly team welcomes new people regardless of skills or experience. It`s not just for railway enthusiasts, our areas of interest also cover industrial archaeology, engineering, railway modelling and social history. You can make new friends, learn new skills and enjoy being part of a team. To find out more contact Mike Boyd
DONATE. We are a volunteer run Society who open the museum at least twice a month and and hold free events throughout the year. To help us keep these memories alive for the next generation, you can make a secure donation via PayPal by clicking our logo on the right.